Regional Club Spotlight: Western Massachusetts Appaloosa Association
Originally appeared in the May 2022 edition of the Appaloosa News Magazine.
The Western Massachusetts Appaloosa Association (WMAA) has been a regional club, holding a charter from the ApHC since the 1970s, with members throughout the New England area.
It was December 30, 1974 when Charles Oppenheimer, Nancy Gaffey, Cynthia Barnes, Richard Facteau, Jane Zentara, Marie LaVertute, Owla Facteau, decided to associate themselves with forming an organization under the name of Western Massachusetts Appaloosa, Inc.
The first annual reports date back to November 4th, 1975, where it names the officers and board of directors as:

President | Charles Oppenheimer, Suffield, CT |
Treasurer | Nancy Gaffey, Suffield, CT |
Clerk | Mary Lomascola, East Longmeadow, MA |
Directors | Jane Zenttara, Suffield, CT Don Lomascola, East Longmeadow, MA Bea and Simon Joseph, E. Longmeadow Bill Aregood, Lebanon, CT Sandra Skrzypen, Greenfield, MA |
Although we don’t have specifics of the activities that occurred during the many years of being an appaloosa regional club, we do know many appaloosa enthusiasts came and went that helped the regional club grow into what it is today.
A few names that should be mentioned are: Kip and Barb Shepard, Janice and Ed Carroll, The Bisbee Family, Pam and Rich Salois, The Coggin Family, The Lomascola family, Kate and Chris Griffin, Scott and Cindy Artioli, The Cormier Family, Darlene Dehman, ET Mellor and so many more.

WMAA 1970’s Youth Team:
The Dirty Dozen
The Club Today
WMAA has always hosted a regional appaloosa show in Massachusetts. For many years it was one of, if not the largest Appaloosa regionals shows in the country, known as The Yankee Spotted Review. It was hosted in Northampton, MA for years, before changing its name to Yankee Color Classic and moving to Springfield, MA. Even there, it remained one of the largest appaloosas attended regionals shows.
Our membership consists of equestrians of many breed affiliations, but our primary goal is to support and promote the Appaloosa horse.
Western Massachusetts Appaloosa Association
WMAA, for years, has sponsored award programs in which members of any age, riding ability or interests can participate. We used to host three open shows a year at our home base, the Westfield Fairgrounds in Westfield, MA, three hunter shows, a regional show, a trail ride circuit, and a yearly awards banquet, pleasure rides or hunter paces. All of which served as an income source for our regional appaloosa horse show.
WMAA is currently still run by a great group of dedicated volunteers that serve as officers and board of directors. They are all appaloosa enthusiasts that many, if not all of them, own and show throughout the country, while helping to promote this wonderful, versatile breed.

President | Krissy Przybyla, Chester, MA |
Vice President | Trish Doyle, Branford, CT |
Treasurer | Alicia Fleming, Suffield, CT |
Secretary | Susan Cormier, East Longmeadow, MA |
Board of Directors | Kelly Sweeny, Broad Brook, CT Paige Berry, West Suffield, CT Katelynn Tiffany, Belchertown, MA Rachel Perkins, Woodstock, CT Laurie Jean Ellis, Harwich, MA Kelli Wainscott, Chesterfield, MA Amy Desilets, Westhampton, MA |

WMAA Club Shows and Events
Western Massachusetts Appaloosa Association now only holds one regional show a year, the Yankee Color Classic Appaloosa & All Breed Show. This year we will move back to our original stomping grounds, the Northampton Fairgrounds, in Northampton, MA, June 24th -26th, 2022. It’s a new date for the club, as we have hosted our event in late July for years, a “new“ venue to us in a way, plus a revamped schedule of a two and a half day show.
Our regional appaloosa show holds a wide variety of not only appaloosa classes but all breed classes and divisions for all. Our association works hard on hosting a fun event with great classes, awards, prizes, and an exhibitor party.
2023 will be our 25th Anniversary of our show, Yankee Color Classic, so watch for updates and information.
Our website is
Our Facebook is Western Massachusetts Appaloosa Association
Our email is

Originally appeared in the May 2022 edition of the Appaloosa News Magazine.