Wissota Appaloosa Club Hosts Ainsworth Clinic
Guest Blog by Alison Phillips
The Wissota Appaloosa Horse Regional Club hosted our 2nd annual clinic this weekend at Wildfire Farm in Maple Lake, MN. We were fortunate to have World Champion trainer and coach, Clint Ainsworth, join us for 3 days including a clinic and a host of private lessons. The clinic covered equitation, horsemanship, showmanship, and trail. We were joined by 16 clinic participants from a variety of different breeds and found it a great opportunity to showcase the Appaloosa and our regional club.

Clint was a fantastic clinician – extremely positive, knowledgeable, and infused a lot of fun and humor in his teaching style.
Feedback from the group was that it was well worth the travel time and cost to come and attend.
Clint was very complimentary of the club’s grassroots efforts to continue to grow, as many regional clubs and affiliates are struggling at this time.
This event has been a both a great fundraiser and learning experience for our members.

Wissota plans to continue with this clinic tradition, along with hosting several ApHC / Open Shows.
The first will be June 10-12th in Hinckley, MN which includes a full slate of ApHC and open classes, along with our 4th annual Versatility Challenge and added money jackpots.
Our 2nd show will be held August 6-7th in Cannon Falls, MN.

With a 1 judge per day format, and $5/class, it’s a great opportunity for anyone who would like to try out a breed show.
If you are in the upper Midwest and have an Appaloosa – or just want to come hang out with some fun Appaloosa people, please connect with us on Facebook or email to wissotaaphc@gmail.com.