Appaloosa News Monthly – March 2022
Welcome the North Carolina Appaloosa Club
North Carolina has been without an active Appaloosa Regional Club since some time around 2016. Trista Schroeder and several other North Carolina area non-pros got together at the North Carolina State fair last year and made a promise to each other to make something happen. Unsure of where to start, they began by talking to any appaloosa person who would give them some time and attending ApHC National board meetings.

The impetus to start a new club was the lack of breed events in the area. The club President, Trista Schroeder, showed Appaloosas as a teenager in the 1990s. In her late 30’s she returned to Appaloosa ownership with the purchase of a three-year-old mare. It was then that she noticed that the once thriving Appaloosa show circuits in the area were gone and there were very few opportunities to engage in breed events without driving out of state and long distances. The desire to provide an opportunity for Appaloosa lovers to get together as well as show is what brought the new club to fruition.

Trista is the club’s President. Shery Kenny is the Vice President and Zoey Thomas is the Secretary. Ed Schroeder holds the post of Treasurer. The club will be holding elections in March to determine who will hold committee chair positions.
The North Carolina Appaloosa Club plans to host trail rides, horse shows, clinics, and social events. The founding members of the club want everyone to feel included. They want everyone to feel welcome whether they have a pasture puff or a World Champion. The club also really wants to focus on reaching out to youth riders. They are actively brainstorming activities that can get their members involved.

The owners of Appaloosas in North Carolina are much like Appaloosa owners everywhere. The Hunter Jumper discipline is big in North Carolina and Western Dressage is starting to take off as well. The folks interested in the club so far have interests that range from games, to sorting to 4-H.
Currently, the NCAC is waiting on its final approval from the Appaloosa Horse Club. You can find more information on their website at or check out their Facebook page.