Keystone Appaloosa Club Holds Clinic for 4-H Riders Preparing for State Championship
In their continued efforts to support and promote youth membership and horsemanship, the Keystone Appaloosa Club (KAC) held their first ever clinic for its members who are on their way to the Pennsylvania State 4-H championship show at the end of this month. The clinic was free to KAC youth members and was held at Holy Spirit Stables, run by Caitlin Otero, in Palmyra, Pennsylvania.

Kicking off the inaugural clinic was David Walbert, owner, and trainer at Wye River Winds Performance Horses in Maryland. The young riders worked on showmanship, western pleasure and horsemanship, trail and English equitation and pleasure.

As the only requirement was KAC youth membership, there were riders on other breeds and several minis there to practice their showmanship and in hand trail.

The Keystone Appaloosa Club awards a $500 scholarship to the highest placing western and English rider who is showing an ApHC registered Appaloosa. Supporting Appaloosas and riders in 4-H program is something that the board feels is important to both highlight the versatility of the appaloosa horse and to support all young riders.