Leah Traver, turning COVID lock down into horse show prep
Meet Leah Traver. She is a young rider from Pennsylvania who excels in the ranch riding events. She attended the Youth World Show for the first time this year and shared her thoughts on the experience.
Leah’s story starts with Appaloosa family member Holly Anderson. Turns out that Holly was Leah’s mom’s gym teacher in school. They kept in touch over the years. When COVID hit, Leah started to home school. She had always been around horses as her father always had them. She had spent some time riding neighbors horses and with Sarah Dibble. During the start of COVID, Holly reached out to see if, since she was homeschooling, she wanted to come to the farm and help her exercise the horses. Among those horses, are names you might recognize like Charlie Doolin and Chics Dig Tattoos.

Leah said she did not think she would be showing. She just thought she would be riding horses and learning some things from Holly. Low and behold, Leah took to ranch riding and Holly offered her the opportunity to show Charlie Doolin last year in the ranch events. Leah and Charlie showed a few times last year at the county fair and some Appaloosa shows, even winning some high point ranch horse awards.

Since Leah and Charlie were doing so well together, Holly broached the subject with her family about Leah attending the Youth World Show. With her parents on board, the preparation started. Leah said that to get ready she was riding every day. She was riding Cooper (My Hobbys Spotted) more as Charlie had been hurt. There was also a lot of cleaning and organizing to be done.
Leah ended up riding Cooper more than Charlie at the show. She said they are working to get him to be more consistent at shows and he had a little spooking in the ranch riding class. However, he was really good in the Youth Ranch Reining, and they ended up Reserve Youth World Champion. This also happens to be her favorite class.

Leah and her family had a great time, and she is hoping to return next year.
Congratulations Leah! Thank you to Holly Anderson for always exemplifying the best of our Appaloosa family.

Youth Ranch Trail 18 & Under – 9th place with Charlie Doolin
Youth Ranch Reining 18 & Under- Reserve World Champion with My Hobbys Spotted
Youth Ranch Rail 18 & Under – 5th with My Hobbys Spotted
Youth Ranch Confirmation 18 & under – 8th with My Hobbys Spotted